Protecting Yourself While Onsite

There are many people who spend their time in an office, but some careers — such as project managers, construction workers, and engineers — require workers to visit more dangerous work environments to build,  survey, and work.  If you are one of those who is occasionally sent on-site to work on a project, make sure that you protect yourself.  The field is a bit more dangerous than your quiet office environment, so take every necessary precaution to keep yourself safe.  Below are four tips to help you stay safe, even in a dangerous work environment.  

Pay Attention

The best way to keep yourself safe is to pay attention.  When you enter a room or environment, do a quick visual scan for any safety hazards.  When you are working, stay attentive and aware of what is going on around you so that you don’t accidentally become injured.  Make sure that you have plenty of space to do the work you need to before you begin tasks.

Wear the Right Gear

It may seem tedious to put on your thick gloves, steel-toed boots, coveralls, earplugs, etc., every time you enter the field, but all of it is necessary to stay safe.  No matter how cumbersome it is, make sure that you wear ALL of the required protective equipment, including protective eyewear.  Make sure that your equipment is regularly inspected so that it is up to par to protect your body.  You wouldn’t want to become injured because you neglected to take care of yourself.     

Slow Down

It is far better to do a job right than it is to do a job fast — especially if you are working with dangerous materials.  When you are onsite, slow down.  Walk carefully, work carefully, and be patient.  If you are driving to the site, drive safely and carefully.  Give yourself plenty of time to carefully complete tasks, especially when working with dangerous equipment.  

Get Proper Training on Equipment

If you have not been trained to use a certain piece of equipment, don’t assume that you can fudge your way through, or that it will be fun to figure it out yourself.  Talk to your supervisor and make sure that you have the proper training to operate the machinery.  If you are asked to operate something that you have not been trained on, it is ok to say no.  Let the person know that you have not yet been properly trained and that you would prefer to be safe than sorry.